Business belongs here.
Calling the bold, the innovative, the creative, the risk-takers, the entrepreneurs, we’re calling the wild ones. We want you to let your imagination run wild in Bearolina, aka Washington County. Open a business, follow your dreams and unleash your wild side.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.
Home is our origin story. A launching pad for living a courageous and authentic life.
We have the brick and mortar - buildings, including riverfront - you bring the courageous ideas.
We are all searching for where we belong, so what if instead of searching we build it.
Plymouth has a 1/2 mile of waterfront with commercial properties available on the Roanoke River Delta.
Roper and Creswell commercial sites available.
Reasonably priced.
Now that you have gotten in touch with your true wild side, watch it grow.
Deep water access in Plymouth and Mackeys
Gateway to the Inner Banks, Roanoke River Delta, and Albemarle Sound
Easy access to HWY-64, the main thoroughfare between Outer Banks and Triangle.
small-town, true community
Towns and Areas
Do you have an idea? We can help.
We are looking for makers, teachers, entrepreneurs, chefs, boat captains, visionaries, leaders. Send us a message and we’ll let you know how we can help, from lists of properties, advisors, contact, and over support. We want to make your idea come go from dream to reality.